4 signs that it might be time to replace your gate motor

4 Signs That it Might be Time to Replace Your Gate Motor
Much like a refrigerator or a comfy pair of shoes (in my case, the pair of Doc Marten’s I’ve had for more than 10 years), a gate motor is something that the majority of us never see the need for replacing or upgrading. As long as it performs its duty more or less dependably, doesn’t emit any strange sounds or odours, and doesn’t become sentient and try to take over the world, most of us are more or less content sticking with what we have. With all of the recent advancements in gate automation technology which includes features such as onboard LCD-based diagnostics and modular construction, modern gate motors are also incredibly easy to service and maintain and very seldom require replacement. However, sometimes one simply has to let go and upgrade to a newer model.
Below are four signs that it might be time to replace your gate motor.
1. You wait forever for your gate to open
Not only is it incredibly frustrating having to wait through the length of Ben Hur for one’s gate to open, it is also very dangerous. Only recently, an article published in a local newspaper reported on a young lady that was hijacked and wounded while waiting for her electric gate to open. If your gate motor isn’t meeting your security needs, it’s time for an upgrade.
2. Your gate motor is in manual mode more often than not
Again, not only is this a security risk, but it also means subjecting your vertebrae to considerable torture every time you enter or leave your property. On the property where I currently reside, the gate motor – which I suspect is the one Australopithecus africanus used to control access to its cave – has been in manual mode since last week, which means that the gate has been standing open. If this is a common occurrence at your place of residence, a replacement is probably in order.
3. Your gate motor speaks a language you don’t understand
Earlier in this article, I alluded to the advancements in gate motor technology, and one of these advancements is intelligent feedback. If something does go wrong with your operator, it needs to provide you with comprehensive, easy-to-understand information so that you are able to take corrective action. Gate motors using outdated or obsolete technology will leave you scratching your head and pulling out your hair in frustration.
4. It’s impossible to find spares
We’ve all been there. You just need one nut, spring or component, but have been told by countless suppliers that the device in need of the elusive part is simply too old and the only outlet still stocking it is located in a remote village somewhere in the Alps. Upgrading to the latest technology will save you a lot of trouble and unnecessary expense when it comes to the service and repair of your automated gate system.
Think it’s time for an upgrade? Check out our extensive range of swing and sliding gate motors, or give us a call on 1300 653 336 if you need any help choosing the right operator.